Co-creating with the scientists of tomorrow:
Shaping trials and the future.
Running the trial!

Kids from around the globe are invited to join The Kid's Trial- where they will answer this question:
This step is open now!
Does sleeping with a comfort item (for example, a soft toy or special blanket) make a difference to how well kids sleep compared to NOT sleeping with a comfort item?
How does it work?
Watch the 'Running the trial!' video!
Sarah (age 9) tells us how to join The Kid's Trial in this video and explains a bit more about what each group will be asked to do in their trial.
Wait! Have you watched the videos on the 'How it works' page or taken the Pre-Trial Quiz yet? If not, you can check them out before you join the trial.

Are you ready to either 'try-out' the intervention or 'wait-and-see'?
Remember, when you join the trial, you should sleep in your usual bed for 7 nights in a row. (If you have more than one family home, or live at boarding school both of those are still your 'usual' beds.) If you'll be travelling, maybe wait until you're home to join.​
Get randomised to your group!
Click the 'Join the trial here' button to get randomised to your group!
Nobody knows which group you'll be in, so be ready for the next 7 nights to either:
1) sleep with the same comfort item of your choice each night
2) NOT sleep with a comfort item each night.​